No Customer
Service desk or no venue to directly sell your gift
certificates yourself? No problem with the Third Party
Reseller Lend/Lease Module.
You utilize
a Third Party Reseller but they have no computers? No
problem with Third Party Reseller Lend/Lease Module.
The Third
Party Reseller Lend/Lease module is simple, straight
forward, and if required, completely paper-based for your
Third Party Reseller.
At last you
will be able to provide factual and timely sales reports,
factual and timely inventory reports, and finally, you will
be able to provide your Third Party Reseller with the
confidence necessary to effectively resell your gift
certificates for you.
With the
Third Party Reseller Lend/Lease module, you are always in
control; whether it be inventory, payment method or funds
due. It is all here to ensure that both you and your
Third Party Reseller can be truly in control; certificate by
certificate, serial number by serial number, dollar by